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Volume 2, Issue 2; July 2021
Sport Performance
The Effect of Crank Arm Length on Cycling Economy and Performance in Triathlon
Boram Lim & John A. Mercer
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 4-7
Sport Psychology
Eating Behavior Psychoregulation as a Resource for Increasing the Achievements of Athletes
Nadiia Vysochina & Filipp Vysochin
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 8-10
Business, Marketing, and Management
Understanding Korean Immigrants and Major League Baseball Fandom
Jiho Kim & Stephen Hankil Shin
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 11-13
Sport Nutrition
Eating Habits and Lifestyle Changes of College Students During COVID-19 Outbreak
Kathryn Verdeyen, Caroline Jones, Kaywuana Williams, & Jinkyung Park
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 14-16
Sport Pedagogy
Elementary School Classroom Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Physical Education: A Literature Review
Jongho Moon & Dongwoo Lee
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 17-21
Medicine and Sports Medicine
Cardarine (GW501516) Effects on Improving Metabolic Syndrome
Jeremy Park & Joon Young Kim
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 22-27
Sport Administration, Governance, and Policy
Collegiate Athletes’ Challenge, Stress, and Motivation on Dual Role
Jeongwon Choi, Hongyoung Kim, & Allison Smith
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 28-30
Sports Law
The Legal Implications of Korean Sports Violence
Daesu Ha, Jisu Kim, Jaegyun Kim, & Taemin Ha
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 31-34
Medicine and Sports Medicine
Relationship Between Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Low Skeletal Muscle Mass in Obese Youth
David Silas, Jeremy Park, & Joon Young Kim.
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 35-39
Sports Law
Structural Violence in Korean Sports Community
Jaegyun Kim, Jisu Kim, Daesu Ha, & Sungwon Son
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 40-42
Sport Pedagogy
The Effects of App-Based Feedback on Students’ Sport Knowledge in Sport Education
Hyeonho Yu, Hosung So, Minhyun Kim, & Taemin Ha
Journal of Health, Sports, and Kinesiology, 2(2), 43-46
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